In press 9 White, K.S., B. Cadsand, S.D. Côté, T. Graves, S. Hamel, R.B. Harris, F.P. Hayes, E. Hood, K. Hurley, T. Jessen, B. Jex, E. Peitzsch, W. Sarmento, H. Schwantje, and J. Berger. Mountain sentinels in a changing world: review and conservation implications of weather and climate effects on mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Global Ecology and Conservation. [Open access]
8 Hayes, F.P. and J. Berger. 2024. Inadvertent climate refugia. Conservation Letters. e13063. [Open access, PDF, Journal cover]
7 Hayes, F.P. and J. Berger. 2023. Snow patch refugia benefits for species of periglacial zones — Evidence from a high-elevation obligate. PNAS Nexus. 2(11). [Open access, PDF]
6 Berger, J., M. Biel, and F.P. Hayes. 2022. Species conflict at Earth’s edges – Contests, climate, and coveted resources. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10:991714. [Open access, PDF]
5 Harris, R.B, F.P. Hayes, C.G. Rice, and D.J. Vales. 2022. Landscape factors inhibiting mountain goat movements: A contribution to delineating demographic units. Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, 23:12-26. [Open access, PDF]
4 Hayes, F.P., J.J. Millspaugh, E.J. Bergman, R.M. Callaway, and C.J. Bishop. 2022. Effects of willow nutrition and morphology on calving success of moose. Journal of Wildlife Management, 86(2). [Link, PDF (accepted version), Journal cover]
3 Bergman E.J., F.P. Hayes, and K. Aagaard. 2020. Estimation of moose parturition dates in Colorado: incorporating imperfect detections. Alces, 2020(56). [Open access, PDF]
2 Bergman E.J., F.P. Hayes, P.M. Lukacs, and C.J. Bishop. 2020. Moose calf detection probabilities: quantification and elevation of a ground-based survey technique. Wildlife Biology, 2020(1): 1:9. [Open access, PDF]
1 Hayes, F.P., M.J. Dodrill, B.S. Gerig, C. Finch, and W.E. Pine, III. 2017. Body condition of endangered Humpback Chub in relation to temperature and discharge in the lower Colorado River. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8(1): 333-342. [Open access, PDF]
Press and media
Coverage of “Species conflict at Earth’s edges – Contests, climate, and coveted resources”: The Washington Post • Scientific American • NPR • Bloomberg • The Guardian • Colorado Public Radio • Fortune • The Source • See more on Altmetric
Coverage of research on moose in Colorado: Colorado Parks and Wildlife